343 formation
Rock amp; Roll babe !! An offensive formation, three strikers to achieve a roll up and crush rival defenses. Of course, at the cost of taking a smaller midfield by having only 4 midfielders. If you train annotation, it is one of the best options.
Standard mode (the most used)
Three defenses to stop some rival attack. As in 352, only here to have less midfield you will receive more chances. They usually put two in the bands, and one in the center, but as always will depend on the rival.
Even if you have 3 strikers, you will need a midfield to generate chances. Generally, apart from the three central players, another player is usually used with plays as ‘end towards the middle’, to add even more midfield. The strikers are already in charge of the attack
Another option is to place the end on offense to reinforce the attack of one of the gangs, but it is necessary to assess whether it is worth reinforcing the attack by losing midfield, since at the end and After all, you have three strikers upstairs to do that job.
Tiki taka! More wood! Three strikers above give a lot of play. The 343 usually attack in the center, leaving the three strikers in ‘normal’. You can also put one ‘to the side’ to get a stronger side attack.
You can further increase the central attack with offensive midfielders (with passes), or support a band with an offensive end.
On defense
– if your defenses have a side, you can put one as a side defense in ‘normal’ or ‘offensive’, to reinforce the attack by the bands.
– if you need more defense by the bands, you can give your central defense the order ‘to the side’. It will lower its contribution to the central defense, but increase it to the lateral defense. Useful to try to stop teams that attack by the bands.
– if you want more midfield, you can put as a central defense a player with plays, with the order of ‘offensive’ (eye, does not increase the attack, increases the midfield). < / p>
In midfielders
– in the midfield, your midfielders can help defend if they have defense. And more if you put them as ‘defensive’ (but lower their contribution to the medium a bit). Although if you play 343, you’re supposed to be looking for attack.
– in the midfield, your midfielders can help increase the central attack if they have passes. And more if you put them as ‘offensive’ (but lower their contribution to the medium a bit).
– in the midfield, your midfielders can help increase the lateral attack if they have lateral, for this you must order them ‘towards the lateral’ (but lower their contribution to the medium a little, a little more than the ‘defensive’ or offensive ‘). If you attack by a band, this order may be useful for the nearest midfielder.
On ends
– in the extremes, it must be clear that if what you want to reinforce is the midfield, you have to place a player with moves, with the order ‘towards the middle’. If you want to increase the attack, you must choose a player with a side, with the order ‘offensive’, but your midfield will go down.
– in the extremes the ‘normal’ order is not usually chosen, since if it has plays it will be better ‘towards the middle’, and if it has lateral it will be better ‘offensive’. The ‘normal’ order can be more useful when you have a player with moves and side.
– in the extremes the ‘defensive’ order is not usually chosen. It would be to put a defense here to increase the defense, but it doesn’t seem like the best option.
In front
– you can place them ‘sideways’, to increase the side attack rating, but you will lose central attack.
– if you put here a player with plays, with the order in ‘defensive’, your midfield will increase, but your attack will decrease. In that case, 352 would be a better option.
Workouts and 343:
– Goalkeeper: In all formations a goalkeeper plays, so 343 is as good for goal as any other.
– Defense: It doesn’t make much sense to play 343 training defense.
– Playmaking: regulera option, you train 4 players, but in that case formations with 5 midfielders are a better option.
– Winger: rare option, in theory if you play with two side fenders and two ends you take full advantage of the training, but in that case you play with just two midfielders, with what the formation does waters.
–Scoring: There’s no doubt! The 343 is perfect for scoring. You train the maximum number of players, and you offensively improve your team.
– Other: If you want to train passes, with this training the ‘short passes’ fit (you train 7 players). ‘Side attacks’ can also take advantage of it, but it happens a bit like with ‘Side’.